Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Beauty and The Beast

My daughter and I went to see Tecumseh High School Choir's productions of Beauty and The Beast on Sunday and I was completely Blown away! What a talented group of people...from the singing, set, orchestra, costumes and acting...o'my gosh everything! Great job guys!!!!! I'm pretty sure I'll see some of you on Broadway someday.

My good friend of many years "Tara" her son Josh and daughter Saxzonee are part of the cast...Josh played the Beast and Sax cheese grater and townspeople. I'm so proud of them...sitting there I was thinking back of them as toddlers...I got a little teary eyed. They have grown up to be wonderful people. I can't wait to see what the future holds for them.
Click here to view

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! My name is Lauren Graham, and I played Belle in the show, and I just got around to checking out these pictures...they are amazing!! I was wondering if there was any way that I could order some prints or get some of the pictures on a CD. My email is if you could let me know I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you!!!