Friday, September 01, 2006


Something very special I would like to share…

My friend Shell writes:
It's almost midnight and I really should be getting to sleep. Malia's picture should be here by 10:30 tomorrow. You would think that I would just be bursting with excitement. But today has been a very hard and challenging day. I feel that we are about to experience one of the happiest days of our lives, but we are not going to get there without a battle. This journey has been long, and it's been very hard. But tonight as I was praying for Malia, God brought to my mind the promise He gave to me at the very beginning of this adoption process. I remember I was so scared. And I prayed, "God, if you really want me to do this, please give me something to hold on to." Then I went outside and sat on my porch. I opened my bible and this verse was right there: Isaiah 45:3 "I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord." At that moment, I thought of communist China, where Christians (true believers) are persecuted daily, and what a "dark" place it must be. And how these "little riches" are stored away in the orphanages. And I knew that this was truly a calling from God. And that He was going to see us through this. Tomorrow we will get to finally see the face of the "treasure" He has chosen for us. The emotions I feel right now are beyond words. I feel so humbled and so unworthy.

Dear Shell,

I am continuing to pray for your family as I know this has been a long two years. You have my deepest admiration for embarking on such an amazing journey! Your going to be such wonderful parents, I know this because you have already raised such loving, succesful daughters. Hopefully I will be able to capture the wonderful homecoming very soon! PS: she is beautiful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful amazing. :)